
My experience with termux

Termux: The Linux Terminal on Android

For those of you who don’t know what the Termux is , it’s a terminal emulator for Android that allows users to run a Linux commands & even a distribution on their Android devices. It provides a command-line interface and access to a vast collection of Linux packages. In this article I give an overview of Termux, its capabilities, and some essential commands. You can also install Termux: Styling, a Termux add-on app to customize the terminal font and color theme.


Package Management

Termux uses the pkg command to manage software packages, similar to apt on Debian-based systems. Here’s how you can manage packages in Termux:

  • pkg update: Updates the local package database.
  • pkg upgrade: Upgrades all installed packages.
  • pkg install {package_name}: Installs a package (e.g., git, Python).
  • pkg uninstall {package_name}: Uninstalls a package.
  • pkg search {keyword}: Searches for packages containing the specified keyword.
  • pkg list-all: Lists all available packages.
  • pkg list-installed: Lists all installed packages.
  • pkg list-updates: Lists packages with available updates.

Development Environment

Termux supports a variety of programming languages and frameworks, making it a powerful tool for development on the go:

  • Languages: Python, Node.js, Ruby, Java, and more.
  • Tools: Compilers, interpreters, and development tools are readily available.

You can connect to remote servers via SSH, and Termux supports terminal multiplexing with tools like tmux, as well as text editing with nano or vim

  • Appearance: Customize the look and feel of your terminal using add-ons like Termux: Styling.
  • Shells: Install additional shells, such as Zsh, and use frameworks like Oh My Zsh for further customization.

File Management

Termux provides access to the Android file system, these are the same standard Linux commands:

  • cd {directory_name}: Move to a specific directory.
  • cd: Go back to the previous directory.
  • cd $HOME: Change the current directory to the home directory.
  • ls: List files and directories in the current directory.
  • ls -a: List hidden files.
  • pwd: Print the current working directory.
  • cp {file_name}: Copy files or directories.
  • rm {file_name}: Remove (delete) a file.
  • rm -rf {directory_name}: Delete a directory and its contents.
  • touch {file_name}: Create a new file.
  • mkdir {directory_name}: Create a new directory.

System and Process Management Commands

Termux offers a range of commands to manage system processes:

  • top: Display CPU, memory, and other resource usage.
  • ps: List all running processes with process IDs.
  • kill {process_id}: Kill a process by its process ID.
  • uname -a: Display system information like the kernel version, system architecture, and hostname.
  • uptime: Show how long the system has been running.
  • free: Display used and free memory.
  • du: Show disk usage for files and directories.

Termux API

Termux also provides a powerful API that allows you to interact with various Android features directly from the terminal. Here’s an example:

Sensor Information

You can get information about the types of sensors and live data with:


This command returns data from sensors such as the accelerometer, gyroscope, proximity sensor, and more.

“sensors”: [ “icm4n607 ACCELEROMETER”, “akm09918 MAGNETOMETER”, “icm4n607 GYROSCOPE”, “tcs3701 PROXIMITY”, “UNCALI_MAG”, “UNCALI_GYRO”, “SIGNIFICANT_MOTION”, “STEP_DETECTOR”, “STEP_COUNTER”, “WAKE_GESTURE”, “DEVICE_ORIENTATION”, “STATIONARY_DETECT”, “UNCALI_ACC”, “sx933x SAR”, “tcs3701 LIGHT”, “RAW_MAG”, “ai_shutter”, “STEP_DETECTOR_WAKEUP”, “OPLUS Fusion Light Sensor”, “OPLUS Side Panel Fusion Light Sensor”, “PICKUP_DETECT”, “LUX_AOD”, “PEDO_MINUTE”, “Game Rotation Vector Sensor”, “GeoMag Rotation Vector Sensor”, “Gravity Sensor”, “Linear Acceleration Sensor”, “Rotation Vector Sensor”, “Orientation Sensor” ]

I won’t list everything the Termux API can do, but it allows us to control various aspects of the device, such as Wi-Fi settings, the camera, battery status, location, and more. To get all of the commands visit Termux wiki.


All in all, I had fun using Termux. It’s incredible how much power and flexibility this app brings to an Android device. It’s been a rewarding experience exploring its capabilities. If you’re someone who enjoys diving deep into the command line or needs a powerful toolset on your mobile, Termux is a must-have.

Last updated on Jun 30, 2024