
Hey, I’m Sreeram. I’ve wanted to start a blog for years. I made several attempts before but struggled to find enough content. Later, when I landed on a job and had some time to spare, I felt a strong urge to finally create and publish some content. Well, I’m too shy for YouTube and Instagram anyway, so I started this journey to create a website where I could share content that I believe is worth sharing.

During my search on YouTube about content writing, I came across the book review of Show Your Work. The book suggests getting involved in the creative process rather than focusing solely on the final product. That idea resonated deeply with me - document, don’t create.

Another major influence was the 512kb Club, which showcases websites brilliantly crafted within 512kb. These minimalistic websites truly inspired me to create and share my own explorations. I experimented with platforms like Wix, Blogspot, and WordPress, and then I found Hugo—a static site generator without the modern bloated JS. As I surfed the web, I stumbled upon some seriously awesome blogs, and I thought, “Why not give it a try?” So here I am, diving into this blogging adventure!

The primary aim of this platform is to document the blog-worthy things I’ve done. It’s all about keeping it authentic—not worrying about what my relatives or that friend from forever ago might think. If I step into the shoes of a reader and think, “Wow, this is cool!”—that’s exactly the kind of stuff you’ll find on this blog. Moreover, I would love to connect with remarkable individuals like you. So, welcome aboard, and join me in this exploration!